Picture Pearl-Fect

March 28, 2019

As much as I can detest the word "influencer" sometimes, I must admit, it is an apt word to describe the positively chic on social media. After all, I find myself falling victim to their subtle marketing ploys all the time. While I am rather skeptical of sponsored content these days (I work on dozens of these digital partnerships for my job, after all) I can still easily be encouraged by a fashionable Instagram star to test out a new trend. 

Exhibit A: the pearl hair clip.

I can't remember the first time I saw one of these embellished hair accessories on my Instagram feed, nor can I tell you who finally convinced me to order a set of clips for myself, but I can say that seemingly overnight my feed became flooded with pearl accessories. 

Perhaps it was the result of a wildly successful influencer seeding program, but my goodness, they were everywhere! Now I can hardly make it through 10 posts without seeing one of these bad boys on my phone screen.

Eventually I gave in and ordered a set of 3 pearl hair clips on Amazon, because who wants to shell out $30+ when we know this trend will fizzle out by the time summer is over? 

And I will say, even though it might be "basic" of me to succumb to an ubiquitous Instagram trend, I truly do love these little hair clips. They've begun to inspire me to branch out into the world of hair accessories, and I get compliments on them every time I wear them! 

So if you are like me and have found yourself wondering if you should try this accessories trend out, I say go for it! There are plenty of affordable options out there that will let you rock this trend without buyer's remorse. Here are a few of my favorites:

What do you think of this trend? Let me know in the comments!

1 comment

  1. I seriously love the pearl trend!



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