Proper Ladies

October 15, 2013

images by tommy ton for

There's that one quote that everyone always uses:

"Playing dress-up begins at age five and never truly ends."

And as overused as that quote can be, it is so absolutely true. Dress-up time when we are little is when we first learn to experiment with fashion, and that fascination with clothing and style never disappears. It's fun to put on Mom's pearls and high heels and pretend we are grown up, and now that we are well on our way to becoming real grown-ups it's fun to go back to those days and dress like we did when we were fantasizing about the future, dressing up like the proper ladies we imagined we would become.

all items from net-a-porter

Of course, no one is expected to always be proper; we are still growing up, still making mistakes, and still learning, but sometimes it is fun to channel that inner Ladies Who Lunches who has had like three husbands, minor plastic surgery, and a group of amazing friends that will drop everything for a Sunday brunch gab-fest - yeah, someday we'll all be that cool, but until then, we can just dress like them.

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